Sabtu, 19 November 2011

PT Smart Tbk


PT Smart Tbk is the largest palm producer in Indonesia. It is one of the biggest and established company and major world player in agro-related industries and consumer goods an integrated palm-based consumer company that own and manage plantations, mills and refineries which manufactured branded and bulk cooking oil, branded margarine, fats and shortening. Currently we are looking for talented people to fill in below positions:

Accounting Officer (AO)
Tax Officer (TO)
Corporate Internal Auditor (CIA)

  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Economics
  • GPA min 2.75
  • Having Brevet A & B certificate (TO)
  • Having 3 years experience in Public Accounting Firm /KAP (CIA)
  • Willing to travel anywhere in Company’s operational area
Business Analyst (BA)
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) / Master Degree (S2) : Economics, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Having min 1 year working experience
  • Preferably having working experience in palm plantation company
  • Proficiency in English
  • Willing to travel anywhere in Company’s operational area
Recruitment Supervisor (RS)
  • Bachelor Degree (S1)/Master Degree (S2) in Psychology
  • Having min 2 years experience in recruitment
  • Mastering Psychological Test Tools
  • Willing to travel anywhere in Company’s operational area
Should you interested please Send your complete applications to PT Smart TbkRecruitment Center, PO BOX 6681 JKPWK Jakarta 10350-C or via email . Please put the job code on the top right of the envelope/email subject.

Lowongan  jakarta, lowongan akuntan, akuntan, lowongan ekonomi, lowongan pajak, lowongan psikologi, lowongan supervisor, lowongan teknik industri, 
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