Selasa, 08 November 2011

Lowongan BRI Syariah

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) - PT Bank BRI Syariahopen opportunities to professionals who are active, think analytically, able to work independently and in teams and work with the target, to join and fill positions at the Bank BRI Syariah Branch Office as:

Unit Mikro Syariah Head (UMS Head)
  • Maximum age 37 years old
  • Min Bachelor (S1) Degree from all majors
  • Min 2 years of managerial experience in banking / financial institutions (preferred as Micro Banking Manager)
  • Having a wide network, willing to work with target system and able to work with the teams
  • Honest, hardworking and having high responsibilities
Unit Financing Officer (UFO)
  • Maximum age 30 years old
  • Min Bachelor (S1) Degree from all majors
  • Having experience as a finance analyst in banking or financial institution min 1 year, preferably from Micro Banking Analysts
  • Computer literate, min MS Office applications (especially Word & Excel)
  • Having a broad network, willing and able to work with the target cooperate in teams
  • Honest, hardworking and having high responsibilities
Relationship Officer (RO)
  • Maximum age 30 years old
  • Min Diploma (D3) Degree from all majors
  • Experienced in collections & developing relationships with clients (preferably from the Micro Banking)
  • Having a broad network, willing and able to work with the target cooperate in teams
  • Honest, hardworking and having high responsibilities
Sales Officer (SO)
  • Maximum age 30 years old
  • Min Diploma (D3) Degree from all majors
  • Experienced min 1 year as a sales/marketing in banking / financial institutions (preferably from Micro Banking Sales)
    Having a broad network, willing and able to work with the target cooperate in teams
  • Honest, hardworking and having high responsibilities
Should you interested please send your complete application and CV to Branch Office of PT BANK BRI Syariah Jl. Bhayangkara No.33, Samarinda, East Kalimantan or via link below. Please write position code on Left Corner Documents to be submitted, not later than November 31, 2011. Only qualified candidates will be processed.
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