Jumat, 18 November 2011

PT Pertani (Persero)

PT Pertani (Persero) - Pertani is one of Indonesian State-Owned agriculture products company. The Company engaged in agro business and agro industry services. Pertani's main business consist of production and distribution of rice seed and palawija, fertilizer, and warehousing management. The Company also as distributor of Indonesian fertilizer such as Urea, ZA, TSP, SP-36, Rock Phosphate, DAP, KCI, NPK. Currently, PT Pertani (Persero) invites the best Indonesian young people to join as:

Tenaga Laboratorium (T-Lab)

  • Hold bachelor degree (S1) from MIPA faculty majoring in microbiology
  • Preferably experienced in laboratory
  • Max age 28 years old
  • Willing to be placed in West Java and East Java
Should you interested and meet the requirements above, please send your complete application to PT Pertani (Persero) at email link below. Closing date 3 December 2011. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
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