Senin, 21 November 2011

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) - PT Bank BRI Syariahopen opportunities to professionals who are active, think analytically, able to work independently and in teams and work with the target, to join and fill positions at the Bank BRI Syariah Branch Office as:

  1. Branch Leader(PCP)
  2. Supervisor Layanan Operasi (SLO)
  3. Micro Banking Unit Head (MBUH)
  4. Financing Risk Manager (FRM)
  5. Area Financing Officer (AFO)
  6. Unit Financing Officer (UFO)
  7. Financing Administration Staff (FAS)
  8. Sales Officer (SO)
  9. Relationship Officer (RO)
  10. Consumer Funding Officer (CFO)
  11. Consumer Sales Officer (CSO)
  12. Associate Estimator (PMa)
  13. Junior Estimator (PMu)
General Requirements
  • Max age 25 years old (13)
  • Max age 30 years old (7,8,9)
  • Max age 35 years old (2,3,5,6,10,11)
  • Max age 37 years old (1,4)
  • Diploma (D3) Degree in all majors (8,9,12,13)
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in all majors (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11)
Branch Office :
  • Sumatera Area : Jl S Parman 250 E/8 Medan, and Ruko Taman Mandiri Jl Kapt Rivai 1A & 2A Palembang 
  • Jabodetabek, Cilegon, and West Java (Bandung, Cirebon, Cianjur) : Human Capital Group - PT Bank BRISYARIAH, Menara Jamsostek Lt 19 Jl Gatot Subroto Jakarta Selatan
  • Central Java and DIY : Jl Pandanaran 127 Semarang
  • Other Area : Jl Raya Gubeng 40 Surabaya, Jl Kawi 37 Malang, Jl Pahlawan Kusumabangsa 2 Kediri, Jl Pejanggih 47E Mataram - NTB, Jl A Pattarani 70 Makassar, Jl Bhayangkara 33 Samarinda, Komp Pontianak Mall Blok C No 68 Pontianak, Jl A Yani KM 3 no 147C Banjarmasin, Jl Jend Sudirman No 5 Balikpapan
Should you interested please send your complete application and CV to Branch Office of PT Bank BRI Syariah at address above or via . write position code and placement area on top right your envelope and on Left Corner Documents to be submitted, not later than December 10, 2011. Only qualified candidates will be processed.

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